Monday, March 16, 2009

So what... you wanna fight about it ?!?!?

With so much drama in the W.D.C. its kinda hard being a Candidate today.


In the McCain internet ad Titled "ACORN,"
referring to the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, McCain attacks "Barack I say my name really fast Obama" for his involvement with this "fraudulent" organization.

One particular statement made at a debate reads

[Acorn is] "now on the verge of maybe perpetrating one of the greatest frauds in voter history in this country, maybe destroying the fabric of democracy."

"massive voter fraud," was what the McCain camp accused ACORN of doing in this ad... but it never happened.

The statement was made in attempts to make the case that Acorn was committing poll fraud, however this was not at all the case.

According to the statement made was false.

Acorn was indeed in trouble for voter registration fraud, however voter fraud is a much worse offense.

ACORN hires $8 and hour canvassers to go door-to-door in order to register voters for the then upcoming election. And these employees often participated in entering phony registrations into their logs in attempt at not working.
Thus, ACORN never sent people to the polls using bogus identities or to vote in any other fraudulent manner. Ergo there was no voter or poll fraud taking place due to ACORN.

All this in an attempt to tie Barack Obama to a fraudulent organization that was not all that evil after all.


OBAMA ad called "turn it off"
  • “The American dream started in a classroom”… Obama stresses that he is focused on education for our country.
  • This can not be disproved and Factcheck need not be done to find out that education was important to Obama’s success, and that it is important to today’s children.
  • Obama is known to be interested in education and plans to support education improvements in the US.
  • Obama himself attended public schools, and wants to put in place tougher graduation requirements for public schools.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

My Newest

So I mentioned in a much earlier post that I had found a new hobby of skeet shooting, and that this hobby is now an obsession of mine... so much so that I finally bought my first shotgun. It is my new favorite toy... that is a term I've not used in a good 10 years... the last time I said something was my favorite toy it was in reference to my Teen-age Mutant Ninja Turtles  Pizza thrower tank ... check out the awesome retro video.

So anyhow... back to the shotgun discussion ... sorry I'm pretty sure I am one of the least focused individuals in the world. So what did I go out and buy to pursue my newest obsession you ask... even if u didn't ask I'm gonna tell you. 

Remington 11-87, 12 gauge, 26 inch vent-rib barrel, black synthetic stock, and weighing in at 8 1/2 pounds. And I cant forget the extra barrel... a quick change cantilevered fully rifled barrel with the 6x scope mounted on top... it is just about perfect. 

Model 11-87™ Sportsman

First time out on the skeet range with the new toy I hit the first and last shot of the day.. always a good sign... I did hit a few in between... shooting a 19 of 25 on round 1 and I cant blame it on the gun anymore... but hey I'll take that score.