Monday, March 16, 2009

So what... you wanna fight about it ?!?!?

With so much drama in the W.D.C. its kinda hard being a Candidate today.


In the McCain internet ad Titled "ACORN,"
referring to the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, McCain attacks "Barack I say my name really fast Obama" for his involvement with this "fraudulent" organization.

One particular statement made at a debate reads

[Acorn is] "now on the verge of maybe perpetrating one of the greatest frauds in voter history in this country, maybe destroying the fabric of democracy."

"massive voter fraud," was what the McCain camp accused ACORN of doing in this ad... but it never happened.

The statement was made in attempts to make the case that Acorn was committing poll fraud, however this was not at all the case.

According to the statement made was false.

Acorn was indeed in trouble for voter registration fraud, however voter fraud is a much worse offense.

ACORN hires $8 and hour canvassers to go door-to-door in order to register voters for the then upcoming election. And these employees often participated in entering phony registrations into their logs in attempt at not working.
Thus, ACORN never sent people to the polls using bogus identities or to vote in any other fraudulent manner. Ergo there was no voter or poll fraud taking place due to ACORN.

All this in an attempt to tie Barack Obama to a fraudulent organization that was not all that evil after all.


OBAMA ad called "turn it off"
  • “The American dream started in a classroom”… Obama stresses that he is focused on education for our country.
  • This can not be disproved and Factcheck need not be done to find out that education was important to Obama’s success, and that it is important to today’s children.
  • Obama is known to be interested in education and plans to support education improvements in the US.
  • Obama himself attended public schools, and wants to put in place tougher graduation requirements for public schools.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

My Newest

So I mentioned in a much earlier post that I had found a new hobby of skeet shooting, and that this hobby is now an obsession of mine... so much so that I finally bought my first shotgun. It is my new favorite toy... that is a term I've not used in a good 10 years... the last time I said something was my favorite toy it was in reference to my Teen-age Mutant Ninja Turtles  Pizza thrower tank ... check out the awesome retro video.

So anyhow... back to the shotgun discussion ... sorry I'm pretty sure I am one of the least focused individuals in the world. So what did I go out and buy to pursue my newest obsession you ask... even if u didn't ask I'm gonna tell you. 

Remington 11-87, 12 gauge, 26 inch vent-rib barrel, black synthetic stock, and weighing in at 8 1/2 pounds. And I cant forget the extra barrel... a quick change cantilevered fully rifled barrel with the 6x scope mounted on top... it is just about perfect. 

Model 11-87™ Sportsman

First time out on the skeet range with the new toy I hit the first and last shot of the day.. always a good sign... I did hit a few in between... shooting a 19 of 25 on round 1 and I cant blame it on the gun anymore... but hey I'll take that score. 

Friday, November 21, 2008

Coca-Cola Happiness Factory

"Coca-Cola Happiness Factory"


-       Name of product being advertised: Coca-Cola Classic

-       Year ad was made: 2007

-       Ad agency: Wieden+Kennedy Amsterdam


            I truly enjoyed watching this Coca-Cola ad many times. The ad is very creatively produced to evoke a sense of the magic that goes into each bottle of Coca-Cola Classic.

            I like the ad for various reasons. Firstly I recognize the amazing the computer-animation that creates the “happiness factory” that is the Coca-Cola vending machine. The ad takes the viewer through the process of the factory. The other major reason I enjoy the ad is the world that the ad creates through transporting the viewer from the real world to the whimsical creative world created within the “factory.”

            The ad catches my attention with the whimsically created characters along with the quirky music that transports the viewer into the fantasy world of Coca-Cola. The world within the Coca-Cola vending machine is brightly colored, fast action, high energy, and musically appealing.

            The ad is memorable because it was unlike any other ad at the time. It transports the viewer to a place of magic that is not normally possible in a television ad. The use of computer animation allows for this transportation to take place. The effectiveness of the ad comes from this ability to transport the audience to a fantasy world that selecting Coca-Cola creates.

            The “Puffery Factor” is very high on this particular advertisement. The ad expresses that each bottle of Coca-Cola Classic is not just a beverage but rather an experience. Although we all know that this factory of happiness is not true this ad creates the image that drinking a Coke makes the world perfect for a short time.

            The ad is truly selling the feelings associated with drinking a Coca-Cola Classic. This ad sells the happiness that is created with each Coca-Cola bottle. The ad sells these good feelings through creating a world that is so whimsical that you cannot help but feeling a child like joy when viewing the ad. The ad creates a link between Coca-Cola Classic and a feeling of child-like joy when consuming a Coca-Cola.

            I believe that the ad was attempting to, and did a good job of, appealing to a wide range of audiences. I do not believe there was a very specific demographic for this advertisement. The ad is very appealing to most all individuals because it creates a feeling of child-like joy, which most individuals have felt at some time in their childhood. This creation of joy and happiness is appealing to most individuals. It seems as though the ad is created to appeal to everyone rather than a specific audience, and I believe it does the job well.

            And yes, I did indeed purchase an “Ice Cold” Coca-Cola Classic after viewing this ad. I do not understand why they advertise drinks as ice cold, because it would be not be possible to drink a beverage if it was as cold as ice. 

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

“Names are important, I like my name”

How to get a really cool name like Rift

 1. You need a cool artist mother

 2. You need a French father

 3. Said father is traveling salesman

 4. Said “cool artist mother” travels with father

 5. “Lovely French father” wants to name you Junior after him

 6. Mother dislikes name

 7. Junior Aldrich

 8. Mother and Father argue over name

 9. Mother is awesome and creative

10. Mother names you Rift due to said argument


10 simple steps to a really cool name as articulated by the one, the only Mr. Rift Fournier.

So who is the man behind the name?

Rift (no middle initial) Fournier is Artist in resident here at Lindenwood University as of 2007 teaching classes in his area of expertise, script writing for television.

Rift is a man of many stories, as we learned on Friday in surveys of professional media, so it is no wonder he was so successful in the television industry for over 40 years.

Rift has written for many shows, most notable Kojak and NYPD Blue, however he arrived in Hollywood in the 70’s, where he was reduced to writing jokes for 5-bucks-a-pop for a “not very funny comedian,” while selling aluminum siding over the phone. 

Rift left California to write comedy in New York City, “I love funny,” he said.

In the BIG APPLE Rift got a job with Westinghouse productions, where he wanted to do documentaries. He eventually received the job after driving the guy nuts for 10 days, sending forget-me-not flowers and calling in constantly after his interview. He remembers the days before HR directors did the interviewing.

Rift divides his career into his Children’s television phase, and his drama/cop writing phase.

His Children’s show “GO.” “GO” was the first reality show. On one particular episode Rift followed some of New York’s finest for quite some time, showing the day-to-day life of the men and women in Blue. Rift ended this at the funeral of a fallen officer. Rift always pushes the envelope it seems, and he does it well.

In his time at NYPD Blue Rift remembers pushing the figurative envelope in a specific episode dealing with the Roe V. Wade ruling of the Supreme Court. In which he created the struggle between a mother wanting an abortion, and a father wanting a say in the life of his unborn child. Very controversial even today, but not too soon prior to the 1973 case you could not even mention a toilet on television.

Rift goes on to discuss his views on the current direction of television, from the living room to the computer screen. “Because of the internet the whole world of media has changed.” Rift believes this is just natural evolution, “It’s always about content” Rift reminds all aspiring writers.

With Hulu and Youtube it is becoming easier and easier to produce and distribute your movies, documentaries and shorts. Networks are able to distribute their shows online and even produce online only shows and movies. Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along blogs.

The Internet however has not made writing any easier. Rift reminds, “The hardest thing about writing is writing.” It always goes back to the content.

On Creativity: “There are only 7 ideas in the world, and the best creatives know how to steal.”

Rift believes his Midwestern upbringing has given him a 360-degree view of humanity, “humanity surrounds us in the Midewest” Rift believes. And he is correct; some of the best artists and novelists come from Middle America. 

“You’ve gotta’ let the muse know where to find you” says a good friend of Rift Fournier. The muse certainly knows where to find Rift. 




Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Internet: part 2

My Favorite Blog


“Secret Public Journal”


Mike Birbiglia- Stand-up comic, blogger, and self-labeled awkward individual.


I discovered Mr. Birbglia and his hilarious blog via “The Bob and Tom Show.”


Mike is my favorite comic, and favorite blogger. His entries, regarding the most ridiculous things, and his awesome videos, keep me coming back for more absurdity.


Birbiglia titled his blog “My Secret Public Journal.” Mike shares his “private thoughts” with his journal… and it just so happens that he lets us (the public) read along.


Mike is an entertaining writer… he often proclaims his love for pizza and his ability to make awkward situations even more awkward.


The fact that Birbiglia is a performer, and has a team behind him, makes his blogs multimedia components great. 


The blog posts many videos via YouTube, and many pictures via Flicker. The videos and pictures make the blog feel like… well feel like a blog created by one individual. The videos are great because they allow new fans a way to see some of his stand-up sets, and get to know him via his video journal entries. The blog also uses the comedian’s homepage as a form of multimedia connectivity.


Birbiglia also links the blog to the iTunes store, to show his very own “celebrity play list” as well as his three albums for sale there. So the multimedia components of the blog are well done, and serve a purpose in terms of publicity for Birbiglia’s stand-up career. 

I Love Convergence: Television: part one

The following is an excerpt from a conversation taking place in my mind:


            Teacher: What is convergence?

                           Yes, Joe?


            Joe:  “Media convergence is the merging of technologies, industries, and content, especially within the realms of computer, telephone, and mass media.”


            Teacher: why yes you are absolutely correct! Congratulations reader and regurgitater of textbook definitions. But what does it mean to you?


            Joe: “um… it means you can watch T.V and stuff on your computer and phone.”


            Teacher: Yes Joe, that is correct. But let us go a bit further.


Convergence is transforming the landscape of television. Convergence is made possible by the Internet. It is changing when we view, and how we view our favorite shows.


The major networks like NBC, CBS, and ABC are creating highly interactive web pages that allows viewers to not only view full episodes anytime after it’s original air-date, but also interact with their favorite shows.


For example NBC’s home page is highly interactive. My favorite show “The Office,” has a web page within NBC’s home page in which you can view old episodes, view webisodes, and even keep up with your favorite characters via blogs. An “official” Dunder Mifflin web page is also setup, here you can apply to work for the fine company that is Dunder Mifflin.


All of these interactivities allow the viewer to be more connected to their favorite shows, creating a global community of office viewers. Convergence of television and Internet is allowing more individuals to view the Office than would be possible with only television broadcast on Thursdays. Now I can view the newest Office episode after I work on Thursday, and avoid hearing what happened before I get to view the Halloween episode.


I also have the option of using to view many different shows that I have missed. For example I watch “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” because I discovered it via Hulu. Hulu, created by News corp. and NBC Universal, streams free video of NBC and Fox shows, and web syndicates to AOL, MySpace, and even Yahoo.


Hulu is free because of their multiple 30 second, unavoidable web ads. However some of the ads are actually somewhat entertaining, and they are short enough that they do not create an interruption as much as the 3 minute TV ad breaks.


Take a few minutes and enjoy the 100’s of television shows available for your viewing pleasure thanks to convergence of Internet and television. Check out Dougie Houser… it was on before I was even born… but it is so cheesy it’s funny.


Hulu, and NBC’s web pages are great examples of how the Internet and television are like members of the “Super-Friends” uniting to protect the world from missing out on important media happenings like the latest episode of the Office… or possibly a presidential debate. 


Convergence of television and Internet allows for ultimate media coverage. Meaning no longer are we stuck to simply view our favorite show, now we can view webisodes, blog with our favorite characters, and even discover new shows via the web that we can watch via the normal means of television.


Convergence is allowing for a greater audience to view a single show with very few commercial interruptions online, while allowing for greater, and sometimes, immediate ad response via direct links to said product. I believe this is only the beginning of the convergence between these two great means of information dissemination. Soon, I believe, we will see interactive television-sets. I envision “television sets” that are basically computers, or computer connected devices allowing customized advertisements, and customized “prime time” line-ups. 


            Teacher: Joe, does that answer your question… Joe are you watching Hulu on your laptop during lecture...?


            Joe: … um no… I was … doing research. 

Thursday, October 23, 2008

I found a new hobby ! 

Really excited about my newest discovery that is skeet shooting. 

Was never really one for guns... until I tried my hand at skeet shooting. 

I truly enjoyed that  small orange clay target to smithereens with a 12 gauge. 

This may seem to say that I am destructive... well possibly... however it is simply a sport... yes it is indeed a sport. 

I will always remember the first shot... setting up on station 1, seeing the low target sail across the field in a low tight arc, catching it in line with the barrel of the 12 gauge and yanking the trigger to see the first target explode into a large cloud of dust about 15 yards away. 

I am hooked... and yes safety first!!